
Snow and Ice in April, Again!

Snow and Ice in April, Again!

Snow and Ice in April, Again! 

Don’t let it get you down.  It’s supposed to be 61 degrees tomorrow! 

The daffodils are blooming and the tulips are not far behind.  I have a customer who texts me pictures of his spring bulbs - as soon as their bloom opens.  I love it!  So many of us gardeners are so anxious to see what will pop up next. We don our coats, hats, and gloves with our favorite beverage to walk the gardens, anxiously looking for a hosta tip, the green and red fuzzies on the trees, baby leaves on the rose canes, and the dogwood and magnolia blooms.  I keep reminding myself to slow down - don’t wish it to come sooner than it does.   It will come it always does.   Then we get excited - I do - when we see County Market, Jeffrey Allans, and Farm and Home putting up there plant corrals.  I saw a few things at Farm and Home and County Market a few days ago.  It’s like a magnet for me.  I have to stop and look.  I hope they made it through the freezing temperatures.   I’m thankful that we made it through this winter.

I am so excited this year.  We are growing along with all the trees, bulbs and perennials.   This business is tough.  There is a lot to organize, a lot to plan and order.  We decided it’s time to go big or go home.  Soooo…we added three employees to our existing team.  A big welcome to Bobby, Eve and Chris.  Bobby has many years of experience in both Softscape and Hardscape.  Eve has a degree in horticulture and is an amazing help to me in the office and she is our plant health specialist.  Chris has many years of experience in this business as well and he will be helping us in the shop as our head mechanic.  

We have updated our software to LMN.  They are an amazing group of individuals.  The owner started as a landscape owner and then moved into software.  I wish we would have done this years ago.  We also partnered with a company called Rainbow TreeCare.  They have several certified arborists on staff.   They are helping us help you with all your plant health needs.  We know how pesky the Japanese Beetles are but our main concern this year is for the Ash Trees.  The Emerald Ash Borer is killing Ash trees in our area right now!  It has killed at least tens of millions of trees so far and threatens to kill most of the 8.7 billion ash trees throughout North America.  We have ways to save your tree.  

As I look out the window I see green grass.  Most of the snow has melted.  It’s going to be a great year!  

Happy gardening!

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